Midtown Complete Streets Project, Kansas City, MO
Venice, in partnership with WSP, managed the public engagement process of public open house facilitations, facilitatde stakeholder meetings, developed surveys, created social media messaging, managed traditional public relations and media outreach to build awareness of public meetings and consensus.
"Venice Communications garnered the highest public turnout for our public open houses for the Midtown Complete Streets Project than any other public meetings we have held. It was one of our most successful projects in 2018."
~ Joe Blankenship
City Planner, City of Kansas City, MO
The Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) and the City of Kansas City are developing the Midtown Complete Streets Plan that will provide recommendations regarding street enhancements along selected midtown corridors to create “complete streets”—streets that are safe, accessible, comfortable, and efficient for all users including pedestrians, cyclists, transit users, and drivers. The plan will build off the previous planning efforts in the area, especially the Midtown/Plaza Area Plan.
The plan process has been to study 39th Street, 43rd Street, Broadway Boulevard, Southwest Trafficway, and Wornall Road through the Midtown area. The intention of the project is to enhance the area’s vibrant and diverse neighborhoods and districts by safely, equitably, and efficiently connecting all residents, businesses, and visitors through a welcoming, attractive, and unique public realm.